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Swimming with Strength and Spirit

Swim Natation Manitoba's mission is to provide innovative leadership in the development, promotion,

and delivery of competitive swimming for all ages.


Swim Natation Manitoba is the governing body of competitive swimming in Manitoba.  
Our vision is to elevate swimming in Manitoba to international recognition through

dynamic leadership, collaboration, and partnerships.

We are a not-for-profit organization funded by registration and swim related fees, fundraising and grants from 

Sport Manitoba. SNM is governed by an elected Board of Directors.  


The programs and office of Swim Manitoba are managed by the

Executive Director,  Program Coordinator and Administrative Coordinator.

Our Vision

Swim Manitoba leads the development and promotion of competitive swimming

in collaboration with the swimming community.

Our Mission

Swim Manitoba leads a thriving and supportive swim community,

inspiring Manitobans to embrace swimming as a sport for life.

Our Core Values

Fairness and inclusion


Community working in cooperation


Evolution and innovation

Sport Manitoba Building B&W.jpeg
Contact us!

Thanks for submitting!

145 Pacific Avenue

Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2Z6


Tel: 204-925-5778

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